Official website of the City of Florence
All the information you will need to efficiently organize your visit to Florence and its province
Suggestions from TripAdvisor
MOVING AROUND (Bus, trains, daily trips)
ATAF is the local bus company of Florence: lines, timetable, tickets
Train traffic information from Trenitalia, the State train company – timetable and tickets
Train traffic information from Italo – timetable and tickets. High Speed trains connecting the major cities in Italy
Tuscany by bus: Getting around in Tuscany by bus is easy.
Bus time table
Florence by bike
Rent a car
Florence by scooter
Limousine service
Museums of the “Polo Museale of Florence”: information, online reservations, timetable and tickets
The Firenze Card that grants admission to the major museums + bus/tram. App available
Barberino outlet: to keep your wardrobe up-to-date. 200 of your favorite designer brands
Reggello outlet: The Mall. Outlet village
Valdichiana outlet: 130 designer brands of Italian fashion
Vincigliata adventures park immersed in the beauty of the nature
Discovering Florence can be a game and an adventure
Palazzo Vecchio Family Museum
Museums for kids
Boboli garden: an open-air museum
Incredible views over Florence from the Bardini garden:
Gardens, parks and villas in Florence
Medici Villa and garden of Petraia
Garden of Medici Villa of Castello
The gardens guide in Tuscany
WHAT TO DO IN FLORENCE (Sports, walks, golf, festivals & events)
The major Florence’s music festival with a good mix of opera, ballet and classical music
A no-hold-barred version of soccer that is played between the four city quarters
Opera and concerts in Florence
Beautiful walks around Residenza Strozzi
Map of one of our favorite walk
Settignano website
The first Golf club in Italy since 1889
Equestrian center: activities and lessons for children
Custom-made and guided daily tours
Virgin Active fitness center
Free ambulance service: Misericordia di Firenze. Since 1244
Rapid reliable medical assistance to tourists
Meyer: Children’s hospital
Local medical centers and health services
OUR FAVOURITES (miscellaneous)
Superb photographic archive
Founded in the 12th century it’s the oldest pharmacy in the world. Herbs fragrances and creams : one of the world’s great shopping experiences
A cavernous space full of mouthwatering Florentine and Tuscan delicacies, excellent gifts to take home
The English-speaking news magazine in Florence
Ice cream: http://www.grom.it/eng/index.php http://www.vivoli.it/ http://www.gelatocarabe.com/
Teatro del Sale: food and culture